Sowing the Seeds for a Better Future
In rural India, most families depend on farming for their income. This makes them extremely vulnerable to drought and desertification, which are ever-present dangers in one of India's driest regions.
Fortunately, it is possible to turn farming from a gamble into a dependable way to make a living. All it takes is a little help from you.
By providing micro-irrigation systems and planting tamarind trees, your donation helps ensure that one drought doesn't wreck an entire community. Whether you give $100 or $10 a month, you can help give families in rural India the gifts of stability, security, and the promise of a better future.
Are you ready to sow the seeds for a better future? Donate now!
Source: © RDT 2021
The Cycle of Empowerment:
When farmers feel they can depend on their crops, they are more likely to send their kids to school instead of keeping them at home to work in the fields. It also gives the women of the family more freedom to pursue alternative livelihoods like tailoring and handicrafts. More efficient farming also means that farmers can afford to take a day off and see a doctor when they are sick, which helps prevent small illnesses from becoming chronic conditions. The ripple effect spreads far beyond the individuals you help, beginning a cycle of positive change that impacts the whole community.
Are you ready to begin a cycle of empowerment? Donate now!
The Vicente Ferrer Foundation USA (VFF USA) is a DC-based foundation devoted to empowering rural communities in the Southeast Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. We focus on improving the lives of India's most marginalized groups to build a more just and equitable society. We place particular emphasis on assisting the most vulnerable populations--children, women, and people with disabilities--to ensure that development in rural areas leaves no one behind. Through our local implementing partner, the Rural Development Trust (RDT), we develop holistic, long-term solutions that empower communities, improve living conditions and promote lasting positive change.
Source: © RDT 2021